Organization and regulation of local services of economic interest: the case of the urban waste cycle

The essay analyzes the legal regime of the municipal waste service in the light of the incisive reforms of recent years. The study is an opportunity to reflect on general themes, such as the current justifying assumptions of a regime of municipal privative rights; the regulation of local services by independent authorities; the impact of reforms introduced under the sign of the circular economy on a complex system of multi-level governance; the still current core of the public service in the case of local economic services open to the market.

conference energy regulation

(Italiano) I nuovi modelli tariffari individuali (Totex), i nuovi assetti peer to peer previsti dal quarto pacchetto, l’incremento di procedure collettive cicliche che impongono la raccolta e il processamento di sistemi di dati sempre più complessi, enfatizzano la necessità di assetti che supportino la regolazione dell’energia e dell’ambiente nell’utilizzo più efficiente delle scarse risorse a disposizione.

Improving efficiency in the MSW collection and disposal service combining price cap and yardstick regulation: The Italian case

Municipal solid waste collection and disposal service is a key element of the European strategy aimed at moving towards a circular economy. An efficient municipal solid waste collection and disposal is closely related to both lower waste tax and higher welfare of the interested population. In Italy, the lack of a centralized regulatory framework has determined heterogeneous performances of sector operators across the country. Firstly, we estimate the productive efficiency in different optimal territorial areas and secondly we forecast the economic benefits that would arise under a new regulatory regime. Our approach combines the well-known yardstick competition and the price-cap mechanisms. Results suggest that if all territorial areas converged to the most efficient ones, a potential saving between 12% and 19% emerges, i.e., up to €2bn savings out of €10.05bn total tax revenue in 2015, the reference year.

Access charge for using the rail network: problems and business opportunity in the freight market

Access charge for using the rail network: problems and business opportunity in the freight market November 30 2018, h: 11:00- 16:30 Università di Milano-Bicocca , Building U6 – II floor, Room “sala tesi 2151c” Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, 20126 – Milano The access charge for using the network is one of the most significant cost […]

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