September 16th Financial taxonomy for SMEs

Financial taxonomy for SMEs: the opportunities offered by the Italian PNRR. How to translate the objectives of the National Plan into a sustainability strategy for Italian SMEs.

The event will take place on 16 September from 14:30 to 17:00 and will be accessible online.

The speakers will discuss the importance and at the same time the difficulties of developing a taxonomy capable of providing objective criteria for assessing the environmental sustainability of SMEs, also in light of the work carried out in recent years by the European Commission in reference to larger companies. The speakers will also offer an insight into the opportunities offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) to achieve this goal.

During the workshop, the Laboratory on the application of financial taxonomy to SMEs will be presented, which within CESISP wants to become a place for meeting between research and professional practice to encourage the development of analysis and discussion initiatives in the context of issues relating to the sustainability of SMEs and comparison on the definition of tools and criteria for the objective measurement of the contribution of SMEs to the achievement of the environmental objectives defined by the European green deal.

The complete program of the day can be downloaded from this link.

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