72/2021/R/RIF – First guidelines for the regulation of the quality of the service of management of urban and assimilated waste

The document is part of the proceedings initiated with the resolution of the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (hereinafter: Authority) April 5, 2018, 226/2018/R/RIF (hereinafter: resolution 226/2018/R/RIF), for the adoption of measures to regulate the quality of service in the cycle of waste, including differentiated waste, urban and assimilated waste (hereinafter: urban waste), pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 527, of Law No. 205 of December 27, 2017, on the “State budget for the 2018 financial year and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2018-2020”.
This document illustrates the general framework elements and the first guidelines that the Authority intends to follow in regulating the contractual and technical quality of the municipal waste management service. The guidelines illustrated take into account both the evidence that has emerged from the data collections launched with Determinations 3/DRIF/2019 and 4/DRIF/2019, and the elements gathered during the technical meetings with the sector’s stakeholders.
Interested parties are invited to send the Authority their comments and proposals, in written form, by April 2, 2021.
In order to facilitate the publication of the contributions received in response to this consultation, it is requested to send documents in electronic format through the interactive service made available on the Authority’s website or, alternatively, to the PEC address indicated below.


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